

Hong Kong is a free market economy, in which businesses compete with each other in all aspects. Competition promotes efficiency and innovation. A competitive market provides incentives for businesses to offer products/services of better prices and quality for consumers.

The Competition Ordinance (Cap.619) introduced a cross-sector competition regime to Hong Kong and set out a framework for promoting competition and prohibiting anti-competitive practices. It is illegal to carry out certain business practices which undermine competition.

At ONC Lawyers, our litigation and dispute resolution team works closely with our corporate and commercial team to provide the following services:

  • advising and representing clients in antitrust investigation by the Hong Kong Competition Commission;
  • advising clients in regulatory and litigation matters in relation to the Competition Ordinance;
  • providing trainings to senior executives of companies in relation to issues and compliance of the Competition Ordinance;
  • assisting and representing clients in dawn raids by the Hong Kong Competition Commission; and
  • advising clients in cross-border and domestic transactions in respect of compliance with the Competition Ordinance.

If you would like to know more about our competition practice or how we can help your business, please contact us at (852) 2810 1212 or at

Please refer to our articles in ‘Knowledge’

Our People

Dominic Wai
Dominic Wai
Dominic Wai
Dominic Wai
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