
Commercial Fraud

Commercial fraud is on the rising trend and getting more complex across the world. The term “commercial fraud” covers a wide range of activities which may give rise to various causes of actions. Each fraud is unique and requires different approaches to achieve resolution. Typically, perpetrators of commercial fraud would swiftly remit and dissipate the funds lying in the bank account to which they were first remitted to other bank accounts. Therefore, commercial fraud and asset tracing are usually intrinsically related to each other. It is always essential to take prompt actions to identify and preserve the proceeds of fraud so as to mitigate loss and damage and maximize recovery.

At ONC Lawyers, our litigation and dispute resolution team works with our well-established network of professionals including forensic accountants and offshore law firms to provide the following services to actual or potential victims of and subjects of investigations relating to commercial fraud:

  • asset tracing;
  • apply for disclosure and gagging orders;
  • applying for Mareva or freezing injunctions;
  • preserving vital documents;
  • assisting in the conduct of forensic investigations;
  • recovering misappropriated assets;
  • advising clients on investigations by and liaising with regulatory authorities such as the Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB), the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC);
  • acting for corporations in conducting internal investigations of suspected fraud;
  • advising and acting for victims of commercial fraud to report to the relevant authorities; and
  • representing clients in any subsequent prosecution and/or court proceedings.

As one of the largest independent law firms in Hong Kong, ONC Lawyers also works as part of a larger team in matters involving multi-jurisdictional or cross-border commercial fraud.

If you would like to know more about our commercial crime practice or how we can help your business, please contact us at (852) 2810 1212 or at

Please refer to our articles in ‘Knowledge’

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