
Intellectual Property Dispute & Litigation

Intellectual property rights reward creativity and human endeavor, which fuel the progress of humankind and can lead to breakthrough solutions to global challenges. Due to its value, it becomes important to safeguard and protect such rights from third parties who seek to ride on the reputation and rights of others for profit or other reasons.

Here at ONC, we have ample experience in assisting our clients to protect their intellectual property rights, especially in relation to new inventions over new technology. We have assisted clients in defending their rights in a wide array of matters, including trade mark infringement and passing off, company name infringement, copyright, patent and design infringement etc.

We recognize the importance of protecting the value of our client’s hard work and take a wide variety of approaches in assisting our clients to defend the same. We frequently work together with investigators, customs, and authorities in Hong Kong and PRC, and enforcement agencies worldwide in devising strategies to prevent infringement and counterfeiting.

Rest assured that ONC will vigorously assist you in protecting your rights.

Examples of our services include:

  • assisting one of China’s most renowned clothing companies in trade mark infringement matters in Hong Kong and PRC;
  • acting for a famous French wine company in trade mark infringement and passing off litigation in Hong Kong;
  • assisting a major tobacco company against counterfeits worldwide;
  • acting for a popular and reputable jewelry company against counterfeiting in the PRC;
  • advising two leading Hong Kong real estate agencies on infringement actions.

If you would like to know more about our intellectual property practice or how we can help your business, please contact us at (852) 2810 1212 or at

Please refer to our articles in ‘Knowledge’

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